Wednesday 8 July 2009

A birthday and a backdated Frost entry

Its Ellie's birthday today so yaaay about that. She's old now, 21. In dog years thats REALLY old but she's not a dog. Here is some art by Frost.

Part of my Foundation final major, depicting World War

Another of my Foundation FMP, later on in the book. Mankind has colonised the galaxy following an intervention by a benevolent alien species.

My first silk-screen print.

Part of a joint project with an excellent graphic designer called Jill Hunter, from my foundation course. This is purely my own work, and one of several parts to the collaboration.

A birthday card for Jill's birthday.

Another part of the FMP, dealing with the end of the universe after the transcendence of man. The book had the poem 'Darkness' by Lord Byron on the right hand page, in the expanse of black.

An actual non-digital painting about 4-5 foot long using oil paint, stuck on images and emulsion on wooden board.

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